Earlier today, Secretary of State Holli Sullivan, the Indiana Election Commission, and the Voting System Technical Oversight Program (VSTOP) received an Open Records Request from the Libertarian Party of Indiana. We are seeking information on the 2020 election audit conducted by VSTOP and not fully shared with the public.

VSTOP, who conducts and reports back on election audits and makes recommendations of voting machines, is a program of Ball State University within the Bowen Center for Public Affairs and overseen by Dr. Jay Bagga and Dr. Chad Kinsella.

The only public reporting on the 2020 VSTOP audit says that they conducted an audit in 5 randomly selected counties, reviewed 4 of the dozens of machines used in Indiana, and found the election was above 90% accurate.

“The counties selected also ensure representation of each of the four different voting systems currently used in Indiana. The audit team individually sampled more than 5,000 ballots from the 2020 General Election. In every race examined, the election outcome was confirmed with high levels of statistical assurance (above 90%).” From https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/voter-information/2020-post-election-audit-report/

I don’t know about you, but I want to know more about this potential 10% gap in accuracy. How many 2020 elections were determined by less than 10%? This failure to fully inform the public and to audit all 92 counties BEFORE the election is certified is partially responsible for both voters doubting the election process and thinking their vote doesn’t matter.

We aren’t calling into question the 2020 election results, but we believe that Hoosiers have a right to know that their votes are counted correctly and our election system is safe.

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