How can I get involved in the Libertarian Party?

We’re often asked, “How do I get involved in the Libertarian Party?” We’ve compiled a list of suggestions for any person that is looking for a place to start. Doing just one of these items helps move libertarianism forward.
- Learn our beliefs. See the main page of our website for information about the Libertarian Party of Indiana. Visit for more information about the National Libertarian Party.
- Like our Facebook page:
- Share our Facebook page with your friends on Facebook, and ask them to “Like” us as well!
- Become a voting member of the Libertarian party of Indiana and have a voice in how our state party grows, and the opportunity to be a delegate for national conventions.
- Join the 1994 Society for at least $10 per month. Contributing to the state party monthly is the most helpful way to fund our efforts in Indiana. This basic commitment helps fund all the costs of our communications, candidate recruitment and training efforts, and outreach materials.
- Once you are a member, check out our events page for Libertarian meetups, meetings, and volunteer opportunities near you!
- Make sure you are registered to vote!
- Make sure your friends, co-workers, and family are registered to vote and tell them about Libertarian candidates!
- Sign-up for the LP national email newsletter via Follow us on Twitter: LPINorg.
- Purchase LP apparel, hats, bumper stickers, and information material from the LPIN Store.
- Contact your county affiliate for information on local candidates and events. This can be found at:
- Volunteer your time for a Libertarian candidate in your area. Candidates need a variety of help, including canvassing neighborhoods, creating or managing websites and social media pages, calling voters, or planning and/or managing events.
- Run for office! We need committed, qualified Libertarians to reach out to voters and make a difference in their community.
- Call into radio talk shows and mention the Libertarian Party of Indiana or a candidates’ Libertarian message.
- Write an article or letter to the editor in your local newspaper. If it is published, please forward a copy of the article or letter to so we can spread the word!
- If possible, plan or volunteer for an outreach booth at local events to help spread the Libertarian message and to educate your communities about Libertarianism.
- Attend local and county council meetings to learn what’s happening in your community politically. Often, no one in the public actually attends these, and politicians are interested in the ideas of an energetic new face.
- Notify the LPIN Chairperson at of interesting news happening in your area. We love to share information on good or bad political news stories, events, and local candidate activity with our statewide network.
The Libertarian Party is made up of grassroots activists making a difference politically. The only thing that can keep the LP from growing is our own inaction. The best way to get involved is to just start. Join us today-We thank you for your consideration!