Rethinking Redistricting: Where did it go?

I noticed yesterday that the website was removed. I do not know what happened to it, and I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to compare the maps released by the Statehouse Republicans couldn’t be compared to the Rokita-drawn maps. Maybe removing the plan was the point, then?

Rethinking Redistricting was a plan put together by Secretary of State Todd Rokita (now the Congressman in the 4th District.) The plan put together districts based solely on census data. No other political data, aspirations, or considerations were used.

The Rethinking Redistricting plan were the maps the LPIN pushed to have adopted. So they wouldn’t be lost, I scanned in some old documents I had archived so you can view the details of the plan, including very high resolution photos of the districts.

View it here:

Here is a PDF available for download.

You can get high resolution maps of the plan here: Congressional, Senate, and House.

Here are the maps proposed by the Senate and House GOP: Congressional, Senate, and House.