Rebecca Sink-Burris Announces a Run for At-Large LNC Seat

Fellow Libertarians,

I am extremely pleased to announce the candidacy of a long-time LPIN activist, candidate and financial supporter for the position of Libertarian National Committee At-Large representative at the upcoming LP Convention at St. Louis.

Rebecca Sink-Burris has been a Libertarian Party member since the 1970’s and has served the LPIN in many capacities including Vice-Chair. She has also run for U.S. Senate and was instrumental in helping us retain our ballot access when she ran for Secretary of State in 2002 gaining will over 4% of the statewide vote when we were required to gain just 2%.

I would strongly encourage delegates to meet Rebecca at the convention and ask her about the future of the Libertarian Party.

Her message follows:

Having served on the board as an alternate and as a 2 term regional representative for one of our more effective regions, I have seen how damaging it is when board members don’t work well with each other, I want to continue to serve in order to help bridge the gap. I’ve been a Libertarian since the 70’s and have served the party by collecting signatures, taking on leadership positions at state and national level, running for office numerous times, including being the candidate for Indiana’s ballot access race. I am interested in being part of an effective LNC, I value the diversity of ideas within the Libertarian Party and can be counted on to listen to all viewpoints and work with all members respectfully. The emphasis needs to be on getting the job done, or in the words of Elvis ” A little less conversation, a little more action please.” This is our time, let’s move forward.

