LPIN Podcast: Jason Sipe’s Three Reforms Platform

In distilling the range of issues down to three keys ones, Jason Sipe has focused his race for Indiana House in District 92 on three reforms: education, taxation, and elections.

While these may sound fairly common place at first blush, the proposals are bold ones, including a statewide version of the Fair Tax to replace the myriad taxes Hoosiers pay.

Sipe expresses a deep commitment to Indy’s west side as an inspiration for his run for Indiana House in this edition of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast here: 070 Jason Sipe’s Three Reforms PlatformAudio can be used freely if attributed to LPIN and www.lpin.org.

The LPIN podcast is a feature of the LPIN, highlighting candidate and member efforts through direct interviews. The program is hosted by Libertarian Party of Hamilton County Chair Mike Kole. You can also subscribe through iTunes by clicking here. You can also search for this podcast in the iTunes directory. Please review the podcast in iTunes to help spread the word.

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