The LPMC’s annual pitch-in holiday party is Saturday, December 19, starting at 6pm. Libertarians from everywhere, their family members and friends are invited to share the spirit of the season.
Attendees are asked to bring a food dish to share with others (such as a salad, casserole or desert) and to bring used clothing for the needy.
Additionally, the Libertarian Party of Marion County will also accept monetary donations this year to give to this year’s beneficiary, Second Helpings. Second Helpings not only distributes food and clothing, it also provides job training opportunities. Its website is
If you are interested in making a contribution, please bring clothing to the December Holiday Party. For monetary donations, you can donate through the LPMC PayPal account at Specify “Food and Clothing Drive” when using PayPal to ensure that your donation is allocated to Second Helpings.
Indianapolis City-Council member at-Large and fellow Libertarian Ed Coleman has offered to match the first $200 in value collected during the Libertarian Party of Marion County’s annual charity drives.
Contributions to the LPMC will also be accepted.