Congressional District 6 Debate to be held at Ball State October 2

The Ball State College Republicans and the Ball State University Democrats in conjunction with the Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and the League of Women Voters of Muncie-Delaware County are scheduled to host the Sixth District Congressional Candidates in a debate. The event will be held on Oct. 2, 2012 at Pruis Hall on Ball State’s campus at 7:30 p.m. It will be open and free-of-charge to the public.

The debate is scheduled to last 75 minutes. All sixth district congressional candidates on the November ballot will be featured: Republican Luke Messer of Shelbyville, Democrat Bradley Bookout of Muncie and Libertarian Rex Bell of Hagerstown.

The debate will be held with the goal of giving the voters within the sixth district the opportunity to hear each candidate’s message. Between the recent redistricting and the currently open seat due to Congressman Mike Pence’s run for the Indiana governorship, it will be a consolidated forum that will give the voters the opportunity to hear candidates speak on a several issues.

Moderating the debate is Phil Bremen, assistant professor of telecommunications at Ball State. Bremen, a former NBC News correspondent, last spring moderated the only debate between Sen. Dick Lugar and his challenger in the Republican primary, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock. Bremen is faculty adviser to Ball State’s Emmy Award-winning student newscast, NewsLink Indiana.

A panel of Ball State political science professors, Dr. Ray Scheele and Dr. Charles Ta.