2011 LPIN Award Nominees

Every year we recognize the hard work and passion of those involved in growing the party. Awards are presented at the Libertarian Party of Indiana convention each year. With the exception of one award all winners are granted their award by a vote of the LPIN membership at the convention.

View previous winners.

Dr. Barbara Bourland Light of Liberty Award:

Beth Duensing – Working behind the scenes as a Lake County LP volunteer, Beth spearheaded the most successful candidate recruitment LCLP has ever seen. For the first time in the county’s history, the LP ran candidates covering every level office from local to federal. As a result, the growth in Lake County has been tremendous. With husband Ray, Beth contributed to the growth of the “Liberty Straight Up” social events, a monthly non-partisan event intended to bring like-minded liberty advocates together. The program expanded to include Porter and La Porte Counties. She is currently serving as the 2011 Convention Chairperson. (Nominated by Dan Drexler)

Joyce and Paul Morrell – Paul and Joyce led a large team of Rush County volunteers door to door in an effort to elect not only Joyce and Victoria Foley to county positions, but our upticket races as well. In the county party’s first election cycle both Rebecca Sink-Burris and Mike Wherry garnered over 10% of the vote in Rush county. They distributed thousands of pieces of literature, they knocked on hundreds of doors, and once they finished canvassing in Rush County, they canvassed Henry County for Rex Bell. They also co-organized our gun show outreach booths with Jerry Titus. (Nominated by Rex Bell)

Jerry Titus – Jerry stepped up to organize Howard County in a big way in 2010. Jerry ran for a county office, and knocked on hundred of doors and distributed thousands of door hangers. Each one had a Mike Wherry and Rebecca Sink-Burris flyer on them to help those campaigns as well. Jerry was also the co-organizer of the parties outreach at the Indianapolis gun show. “All I’ll say is I wish we had another dozen of him.” (Nominated by Mark Rutherford)

Ray Wolff – Over the past year, Ray Wolff worked at both the state and local levels to grow the party’s efforts through campaign leadership, media outreach, technology assistance and political posturing. In addition to handling media and technology needs for the LP of LaPorte County, he helped to develop websites for several of the party’s high-profile candidates. Through the use of his video studio, he coordinates essential debate prep for several of the federal candidates also providing video services for Secretary of State Candidate Mike Wherry. In order to build the LP brand in Northwest Indiana, Wolff began an affiliate “Liberty Straight Up” social outreach event in La Porte County, intended to build party recognition leading into the 2010 elections. (Nominated by Dan Drexler)

Susan Bell Officeholder of the Year Award:

Steve Coffman, Liberty Township Advisory Board, Henry County – Steve was re-elected to the board in 2010 after 4 years of service on the board.

Edward Coleman, Indianapolis City-County Council At-Large – Ed continues to serve with distinction as a Libertarian representing over 1 Million Hoosiers. This is more than any other Libertarian in the entire nation.

Ken Bisson Outreach Award:

Rex Bell – Rex engages in positive outreach most everyday with his newspaper columns, Facebook posts, and his campaigning. Beth Duensing – With husband Ray, Beth contributed to the growth of the “Liberty Straight Up” social events, a monthly non-partisan event intended to bring like-minded liberty advocates together. The program expanded to include Porter and La Porte Counties. She is currently serving as the 2011 Convention Chairperson.

Beth Duensing – With husband Ray, Beth contributed to the growth of the “Liberty Straight Up”Happy Hours, a monthly non-partisan event intended to bring like-minded liberty advocates together.The program expanded to include Porter and La Porte Counties. She is currently serving as the 2011Convention Chairperson.

Tim & Allison Maguire – Vowing to take a step back after years of leadership, Tim & Allison Maguire have shown no signs of slowing down. Directing their efforts toward outreach in the Central Indiana area, the Maguires created a series of social gatherings to complement the monthly business meetings, important in attracting new members and like-minded advocates for liberty. As a result, the Marion County party and the surrounding county groups have shown sound growth.

Frank Rossa – After attending the LPIN Strategic Planning Session in early 2011, Rossa tackled the much-needed challenge of organizing an education outreach program for people interested in learning what being a libertarian is about. Working with LPIN staff, Rossa organized and hosted the first “Liberty 101” workshop with over 20 attendees. Better defining what it means to be libertarian, the step is essential in breaking down barriers to attracting new leadership, candidates and volunteers. Rossa’s efforts will continue to be refined with the intent to move this workshop around the state, making the program and materials developed easily replicated in each region.

Joe Hauptmann Campaign Leadership Award:

Beau Branson – Needing a campaign boost, Indiana Statehouse candidate Ron Cenkush got just what he needed when Notre Dame associate professor Beau Branson signed on to assist his campaign. Working with Cenkush, Branson was able to help coordinate a door-to-door canvassing campaign, a direct mail piece, fundraising, a phone bank and media outreach for a campaign. With little recognition of the LP brand in the Michiana area, the efforts of the Cenkush campaign successfully garnered local paper headlines, accolades from the media and incumbent opponent while positioning the LP to re-start the St. Joseph County LP.

Stephanie Dasbach, Hauptmann for Indiana House campaign – Stephanie stepped up and worked hard to help organize campaign events for Joe. She worked with Mark Rutherford on organizing a poll. Polls are very time intensive and time sensitive – Stephanie excelled at putting it together.

Dan Drexler, Wherry for Secretary of State –Dan was able to successfully balance his duties as Vice Chairman and the lead campaign manager during the intense 2010 campaign cycle. Dan stepped up at a vulnerable moment in the campaign to ensure that our party maintained ballot access. He organized the campaign’s messaging, fundraising, volunteer management, and arranging Mike’s schedule.

Jeremiah Hodgkin, Chard Reid for Congress, 5th District – Pulled in a number of directions, a candidate must rely on the advice and ability of staff to prioritize time and money. Hodgkin filled this role for Chard in the home stretch, expressing the same energy and enthusiasm as his candidate. Tea Party meetings, gun shows, canvassing and media outreach not only helped Reid, but the LP as well.

Ray Wolff, Multiple Northern Indiana Campaigns – Ray balanced several roles for several campaigns in Northern Indiana. He helped build websites for candidates like Ron Cenkush and Mark Vogel. He helped train Mark Vogel for the debates, went door to door with Cenkush, and served as a key advisor for candidates. “He did so with a positive, pleasing attitude,” said Ron Cenkush.

Phil Miller Candidate of the Year:

Rex Bell, House District 54 – Rex was the first third party Hoosier candidate in 85 years to receive over 20% in a three way House race. He accomplished this LP milestone by organizing regular canvassing, raising around $10,000 for billboards, yard signs, and other outreach efforts. Wayne County’s LP also ran radio ads for Rex and the LPIN in the Richmond area.

Ron Cenkush, House District 5 – Capturing front page headlines in the South Bend Tribune, Cenkush’s presence in the race led to the defeat of a proposed regional transportation tax increase at a special referendum. He made such an impact that long-term Democrat incumbent Craig Fry was heard running ads on conservative talk radio supporting Ron’s positions. Door-to-door campaigning, direct mail, phone banks, event appearances and fundraisers all made for a great campaign.

Cheryl Heacox, Clay Township Advisory Board, Wayne County – Cheryl was one of two Hoosier Libertarians elected in 2010 over Libertarian incumbent Conley Tillson.

Rebecca Sink-Burris, United States Senate – With the nomination of Dan Coats, the LPIN had an opportunity to make large advances in to the Indiana Tea Party with our message of limited government. With our inclusion in the televised debates, we needed someone that could rise above partisan bickering, and give clear libertarian solutions to the issues facing America. Rebecca rose to our party’s expectations, and surpassed them. Rebecca traveled all over the state to meet with groups of every size and belief to put the libertarian message in front of them. She was also the clear winner in three televised debates (if we do say so ourselves.) She raised and spent over $16,000, and used this money to promote our full slate of candidates with her coattails on the radio, internet, and through grassroots efforts. It paid off because she achieved over five percent for the first time in LPIN History. She had the highest Senate result in the Libertarian Party.

Chard Reid, Congressional House District 5 – Chard exploded in to the 2010 cycle with endless energy and enthusiasm. He traveled all over the 5th district to reach out to Indiana tea parties. As a result, they made phone calls, canvassed, put out yard signs, and donated money to a Libertarian candidate. Many of them had never voted or supported an LP candidate before. Chard worked his personal networks to fundraise over $15,000. He used this for a billboard in a high traffic area of Marion County, yard signs, radio ads, and multiple outreach efforts. Chard was also the first Libertarian Party of Indiana candidate to win the endorsement of the state’s largest newspaper, the Indianapolis Star.

Mike Wherry, Indiana Secretary of State – The SOS race determines our ballot access for the coming four years, and Mike Wherry worked diligently to craft the right message, reach out to voters, and impress upon Hoosiers that he was the best qualified candidate in the race. Mike shined in his editorial board meeting with the Indianapolis Star. This led the Star to pen a Sunday editorial supporting one of his ideas: Moving political party ballot access to any statewide race, not just the SOS race. Mike’s efforts not only maintained ballot access for 4 more years, he achieved nearly 6% of the vote.