2024 Bylaws Committee Report

2024 Bylaws Committee Report

Submitted to the SCC on January 25th, 2024

Clayton Soultz, Committee Chair

Members: John Schick (SCC), Chuck Hagerman (SCC), Greg Noland, Russel Brooksbank.

Overall Summary:

Three proposed changes to the LPIN Bylaws or Standing Rules were presented to the bylaws committee by the deadline of January 1, 2024. The committee met with the authors to clarify intent, adapt wording, and ensure conformity with the remaining structure of the Bylaws and Rules. Both authors met with the committee, and were very communicative and open to adjustments, and the versions presented to you in your booklets are the final versions after the author accepted any committee recommendations. Note that Proposal 3 comes in two versions. Version 1 is presented as written by the author. However, should Proposal 2 pass, the relevant paragraph would change locations, in which case the author agreed to have Version 2 be voted on rather than Version 1.

Proposal 1 – On LPIN Member and SCC Rights in County Meetings
Proposed by Evan McMahon

This would amend the Bylaws to ensure the right of LPIN members to participate and vote in county meetings, without paying county dues or meeting any other requirements that the county may impose. Reasonable county dues may only be required for participation when an individual is not otherwise an LPIN member who has met the seasoning requirements. It also ensures that counties, as affiliate organizations, cannot bar SCC participation in meetings, with the requirement that the District Rep or their designee must be allowed to participate. To this end, it also requires that the SCC be notified via the LPIN Secretary of upcoming county conventions.

With the wording just prior regarding dues not being higher than LPIN membership, it was somewhat unclear to the committee whether the wording intentionally prohibited county dues payment for participation in meetings or if it was only intended to place a cap on the amount. The author confirmed that intention and declined to amend this wording. Should this pass, counties should note that dues may still be collected for other benefits, but may not be used as a requirement for LPIN members in their county to participate in meetings.

Regarding SCC rights, the original wording implied that any and all SCC members would have the right to speak at county meetings, the author agreed to amend and clarify that only one member, the district rep or their designee, must be allowed to speak.

Regarding notice to the SCC, the committee recommended that the District Rep, not the Secretary, be notified of county conventions, since that is the most common current practice. The author declined this amendment, reasoning that the Secretary is the official keeper of records for the LPIN.


Proposal 2 – Moving Convention Procedure from Standing Rules to Bylaws
Proposed by Evan McMahon

This proposal moves any Standing Rules regarding convention rights and procedures to the appropriate place in the Bylaws. The author’s intent was to make it more difficult to change the convention procedure by the SCC before a convention begins. The Standing Rules can be changed relatively easily by the SCC, which provides flexibility, but leaves the potential for abuse.

Three minor changes were made along with the movement from Standing Rules to Bylaws. The first is the deletion of Bylaws Article VI Section 7 -Delegates to National Committees since this point is now moot as appointments to LNC committees must be made prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

The second is combining what were previously Standing Rules Chapter IV Section 7 and Bylaws Article VI Section 6, both regarding Nomination of Candidates, into the new Bylaws Article VI Section 10.

Third is clarification and update on what used to be Standing Rules Chapter IV Section 8, what would become the new Bylaws Article VI Section 12 on appointing delegates to the national convention. The current practice is that the LPIN chair fills vacancies to the national convention after the Business Meeting ends; it is impractical to wait until the national convention to do so. Proposed wording indicates that the LPIN can appoint delegates after the close of the annual business meeting only if the individuals meet all other requirements and clarifies that it can only be done to fill vacancies.


The committee indicated that procedural matters are normally listed in Standing Rules, not Bylaws. The author understood but offered the reasoning listed in the summary about preventing manipulation from the SCC and noted that putting them in the Bylaws would also conform with how the LNC handles it.

The author’s original submission contained the first two changes listed in the summary, and the committee recommended the third change to limit the powers of the officer appointing delegates. The author agreed and further proposed the change about it being done by the chair after the Business Meeting to conform with current practice, rather than an officer at the national convention.


Proposal 3 – Seasoning Requirements for State and National Convention
(v.1 and v.2)
Proposed by Kristin Alexander


The only difference between v.1 and v.2 is the reference location: v.1 amending Standing Rules Chapter IV Sections 3 & 8, and v.2 amending Bylaws Article VI Sections 7 & 12, strictly based on whether the relevant paragraph is moved or not as proposed in Proposal 2. This proposal’s content and affect is the same regardless of version.

This would increase the current seasoning requirement for participation in the LPIN Convention from 20 days to 60 days. This helps to prevent potential takeover from outside parties, and brings Indiana closer to most other LP State affiliate seasoning requirements. It also adds a 60-day seasoning requirement on the Bylaws Sustaining Membership (BSM) of the national party to be an LPIN delegate to the national convention.


The committee had no recommendations for this proposal, except for presenting in two potential versions because of Proposal 2. Otherwise, it was accepted as presented by the author.

County officers should note that if this proposal succeeds, it may supersede some county seasoning requirements if they are relatively short and their county conventions are held within 60 days of the LPIN convention. When making calls to renew memberships before an upcoming county convention, the 60-day requirement should be considered if the officers are seeking members eligible to be delegates at the LPIN convention.

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